Career Formula

The following is an interesting read Career Calculus Here the author(Eric.Weblog) gives a formula for one’s career. Excerpts from the post ” Focus on the first derivative. Remember your introductory calculus? Probably not. You were either a horny high school senior or a hung-over college freshman, so you weren’t paying attention. But there in the first few chapters of your calc textbook is a hint about the secret of your career path. In basic calculus we learned that the first derivative of a function is the “rate of change” of the value of that function with respect to another variable. In the case of your career, the other variable is time. The basic equation for a developer career looks like this: C = G + LT C is Cluefulness. It is defined as an overall measure of your capabilities, expertise, wisdom and knowledge in the field of software development. It is the measure of how valuable you are to an employer. It is the measure of how successful your career is. When you graph your career, C is on the vertical axis. G is Gifting. It is defined as the amount of natural cluefulness you were given “at the factory”. For each individual, G is a constant, but it definitely varies from person to person. L is Learning. It is defined as the rate at which you gain (or lose) cluefulness over time. T is Time. It is on the horizontal axis of your career graph. ” Now the above is an excellent formula for a growth which would be linear( for a researcher or a career in corporate) . An entrepreneur another hand I believe has a non linear growth , so the formula for him might get a little changed to C = G + LT + a(T^2) where a C, G, L are the same as mentioned above and ‘a’ is a another unknown constant factor, something which I would try and look to investigate throughout my life. Now the non – linearity growth part in the career life of an entreprenuer is something which is most exciting part for me and that is primarily the major reason that I did not take up the research as an option at college. I hope that one of my favourite Prof @ IIIT-H (Prof Jawahar) is not reading this particular post of my mine :). He used to tell me couple of times that I tend to take certain decisions and after I take the decision later I come up with explanation/justification for the action taken.

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